2016 Healthy School Hero: Kerin Delaney
Deputy Director, Falmouth Service Center
Only a handful of students ate breakfast at Teaticket Elementary School in Falmouth, Massachusetts when Kerin Delaney and physical education teacher, Carrie Shanahan, applied for an Action for Healthy Kids breakfast grant funded by Kellogg Company Fund. In October 2014 Kerin piloted a Grab ‘n’ Go breakfast initiative at the school to great success. The number of participants grew from a handful of students to over 50 breakfasts per day in the blink of an eye.
For Kerin, helping with the Grab ‘n’ Go breakfast is one of the best things she has done as a volunteer. She is passionate about creating healthy school environments and loves seeing the program accomplish its goal of feeding kids who are hungry in the morning. When Kerin asked a student what she thought of the program, she said, “It’s awesome because if you don’t have breakfast in the morning, they give you something to eat. And breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
Kerin is currently working with the principal, superintendent and Carrie Shanahan on keeping the Grab ‘n’ Go program at Teaticket Elementary as well as rolling it out to the entire district.
Categories: School Breakfast, School Engagement, Massachusetts