Fundraise - Action for Healthy Kids
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Get active for the kids

Fundraise with Team Healthy Kids.

Run with us

21,000+ miles run since Team Healthy Kids began in 2008.

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Support our Runners!

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$650,000+ raised by individual fundraisers since 2012.

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Make your miles count.

Since 2012, our athletes have raised over $1 million! Help us go 26.2 miles further and register to run the Bank of America Chicago Marathon or TCS NYC Marathon with Team Healthy Kids in 2024 and the Disneyland Half Marathon in 2025!

2024 Bank of America Chicago Marathon- SOLD OUT

Race Day: Sunday, October 13, 2024

Where: Grant Park, Chicago

Details and benefits

2024 TCS New York City Marathon - SOLD OUT

Race Day: Sunday, November 3, 2024

Where: New York City, NY

Details and Benefits

2025 Disneyland®️ Half Marathon Weekend presented by HONDA

Race Day: Sunday, February 2, 2025

Where: Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, California

Details and Benefits

Ready to run? Sign up today!

Team Healthy Kids will contact you with more information on race details and how to complete your registration.

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Support Our Runners!

Your donation directly contributes to creating healthier school environments for children, promoting lifelong well-being. Your support enables the organization to scale its successful models, fostering systemic change and ensuring that kids, schools, and communities become healthier. The following are pages dedicated to supporting the athletes who are running for a cause they believe in!

2024 Bank of America Chicago MarathonOpens in new window


2024 TCS New York City MarathonOpens in new window


2025 Disneyland Half MarathonOpens in new window

Together, we can!

Members of Team Healthy Kids work hard to raise money and inspire kids to be active.

Steve gathered a team of jump rope enthusiasts to raise money for and inspire active kids with a 24-hour jump-a-thon.

24-hour Jump-a-Thon

David found support and hope in the running community, which led him to run his first marathon as part of Team Healthy Kids.

Marathon Journey

In memory of their son, the Lowenthal family inspires friends and neighbors to run a 5K every year to raise money for AFHK.

Live Life Like Louis