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Urban School Health and Wellness Leaders Address Issues of Health and Education Equity

AFHK is bringing together health and wellness leaders from 29 of the nation’s largest school districts this week for the fifth annual convening of the Urban School Wellness Coalition in Denver.

Developing Healthy, Successful Urban Students Through School District Infrastructure

This impact paper from the Urban School Wellness Coalition was created to help urban district leaders understand how to best model and progress their infrastructure using the Whole School, Whole Child model for health and academic success.

Day of Service Makes Healthy Habits More Accessible

Beautifying the Patterson Park Public Charter School grounds and building practical items for the schools foodservice and PE staff gave volunteers a sense of community.

Action for Healthy Kids and National PTA Launch Parents for Healthy Kids Initiative

Action for Healthy Kids (AFHK) and National PTA have teamed up to support parents in creating healthier schools through a new initiative, Parents for Healthy Kids.

Spreading School Health at Sun Valley Elementary

Thanks to a Game On grant, Sun Valley was able to take the first step in its healthy action plan, including a school vegetable garden, in-class physical activity breaks, monthly student dances, and more.

Action for Healthy Kids® and CSX Provide Grants to 300 Schools for 2017-2018 School Year

AFHK announces the 300 recipients of School Grants for Healthy Kids for the 2017-2018 school year, provided through funding from CSX Transportation.

Wellness in Every Aspect of the Day

From Healthy Selfies to Health-a-Palooza, Pink Elementary School is striving to engage students in their own health in creative ways.

Breaking for Recess and Nutrition at Washington Park Elementary

The National Association for Sport and Physical Education recommends schools provide 20 minutes of recess per day. Administrators at Washington Park Elementary School went above and beyond.

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