National School District Wellness Coalition
Are you a district looking to advance your Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) implementation? Email for more information about the National School District Wellness Coalition.
In today’s society, a successful child is one that achieves academically. This narrow definition of success is often determined by high stakes test scores, thus preventing school staff from positioning a holistic, comprehensive, whole-child approach to student-centered, teacher-approved educational practices and policies. When we actively support and create equitable schools for our kids to be healthy, safe, challenged, supported and engaged, our students will succeed beyond what can be analyzed on a standardized test. School district leaders are key to reimagining traditional learning environments and academic success, reducing standardized outcomes and demanding a new education framework that embraces and supports the whole child.
To support school district leaders in implementing a whole child educational framework, Action for Healthy Kids pioneered the Urban School Wellness Coalition (USWC) in 2013, a coalition of 33 of the country’s largest school districts, where key decision makers regularly convened as a community of practice to share information surrounding peer-approved best practices and to further advance urban school wellness.
In 2020, Action for Healthy Kids expanded the work of the Urban School Wellness Coalition significantly, to include new district members from urban and non-urban communities to provide a unique opportunity for district leaders to engage in a community of practice to learn best practices, and share successes and challenges. This expanded coalition, the National School District Wellness Coalition, represents 50+ school districts nationwide and is working to translate the standards of the WSCC model into actionable and realistic policy, programs, and practices for coalition members and all districts nationwide.
Our vision is for all students to be cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically healthy in support of positive academic and life outcomes.
The National School District Wellness Coalition is committed to helping school districts inform, coordinate, enhance and measure the development and implementation of equitable WSCC-related practices and policies through the collective impact model to ensure students are healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged, and to drive a national education agenda that supports the Whole Child.
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Coalition Member Districts

Join the Coalition
Coalition members are expected to attend monthly virtual meetings and annual in-person convenings, keep their contact information up to date, and contribute to the Coalition by occasionally presenting, serving as a panelist, or sharing their experience and expertise in other ways as they are able.