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Five Companies Working to Create Healthy Futures for Kids

Learn how companies—and kids—benefit when they make children’s health everyone’s business.

Mindful Eating

Encourage children to practice mindful eating strategies to slow down, enjoy their food and practice mindfulness throughout the day.

Incorporating Nutrition Education into Your Home Routine

From playtime to reading time and everything in between, you can incorporate child-friendly nutrition lessons into everyday activities.

SMART Goals for Health and Wellness

Encourage children to set SMART goals around nutrition and wellness in order to become healthier and happier versions of themselves.

Not Kidding Around: Goat Yoga Comes to Metro Nashville Public Schools

Weekly nutrition lessons (including a visit from a local farmer and her chicken) and regular goat yoga sessions have encouraged Madison Middle School students to adopt healthy habits…with the help of some fuzzy friends.

Unique School Spaces Offer Joy, Freedom, and Health to Students and Community

Whitaker Elementary School is truly a space that benefits everyone thanks to parent and community input, volunteering, and work that helped build a “Be Hive” to transform students’ social emotional health.

Meet Our Team: Sean Wade

Meet the humans behind AFHK. This month it’s Sean Wade, Senior Manager of Volunteer Initiatives.

Grandmother and Fitness Instructor Encourages Family’s Healthy Habits

Meet Maurie Cofman, a health coach and grandmother of six who strives to help her family and community lead healthier lives.

Action for Healthy Kids Embraces Bold, Strategic Change as New Decade Begins

Learn more about the new strategic direction AFHK is adopting to better support the health of the whole child.

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