Celebrate National Physical Fitness & Sports Month - Action for Healthy Kids
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Celebrate National Physical Fitness & Sports Month

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Boys Doing SitUpsDid you know that May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month? An annual observance, National Physical Fitness and Sports Month is a time to highlight the importance of staying active through sports and other fitness activities. Celebrate this observance by promoting the importance of 60 minutes per day of physical activity for kids (and 30 minutes per day for adults) and providing opportunities to be physically active at school and at home.

Take Action

At School 

With your school health team, brainstorm ways you can celebrate and invite school staff, administrators, parents, students and community members to a meeting to participate in the conversation. Ideas might include a:

At Home 

  • Bust out those hula hoops and jump ropes and compete with your family members for longest hoop record or best jump rope trick! These may not be official sports, but they’re a great way to get moving and have fun with your family!
  • Catching a little TV? Not a problem! Participate with your family and see if you can hold a plank for an entire commercial break or spend the breaks running in place for a quick and fun family workout.
  • Compete with your family in an Olympic Style event! Who can run the fastest sprint or jump the furthest?
  • Try a new sport together! Frisbee, badminton, croquet and bocce ball are all easy sports to learn and play in your yard.



Market your schools’ events and activities and include information on social media and in school newsletters, post flyers around the building, and share during morning announcements. When May arrives, everyone will be ready to hit the ground running (literally!).

Too busy in May to celebrate? Use National Physical Fitness and Sports Month resources to celebrate physical activity and fitness at any time throughout the year!

Encourage children and families to make small changes. Remind them that activity for just 5 or 10 minutes at a time adds up throughout the day!

Partner with a local sporting goods store to see if a percentage of their proceeds can be donated to support physical activity initiatives.

Engaging volunteers to support your activities has a wide range of benefits. Who in your network has skills or interests that complement your needs? Brainstorm ways to engage individuals, organizations or businesses as volunteers to help.